We have left the comfort zone We all have stories where one piece of knowledge connects with another, allowing us to do hard new things. Things outside our comfort zone.... 01 March, 2021
Work is a mess Work is a mess. Fix one problem and there's another. So let's manage expectations: it's going to get weirder. And messier.... 13 January, 2021
Embrace the mess (yes, at work) Embrace the mess? Yes, because momentum is way more interesting than organizational challenges.... 01 July, 2020
It’s hard to think about transformation Let's concede that transformation is disorienting.... 31 December, 2018
The hard question of HOW How is a very different question than 'what' or 'why.' How is heavy lifting.... 31 December, 2018
Offloading: the BEST icebreaker For any time there are lots of people with opinions and personalities coming to a meeting. ... 31 December, 2018
A very simple planning framework A simple strategy planning framework in 5 steps... 31 December, 2018